Integrative Spiritual Training Counseling

Hridayam® counseling in the field of integrative spiritual training assists in using the Hridayam@ Manual or learning the Hridayam® Integrative Spiritual Training method through classes in the Education Section. This counseling focuses on the removal of internal obstacles to spiritual development and positive transformation of the self. This method works with the inner phenomenological (experiential) structures of the embodied self, which were described in spiritual literature and ancient texts as chakras, meridians, and other centers of consciousness, such as , e.g., the Hara Center or the Spiritual Heart. Thus, the models of health, pathology, the model of the mind,and the understanding of human development in Hridayam® method of counseling are very different from those used in healing systems such as western allopathic medicine or psychotherapy.

Counseling begins with 55 min assessment session. Initial instructions may be given during this session. Then, sessions can be scheduled once a month or more frequently, along with keeping a journal in which one should summarize the effects of training and questions rising in the process. 

To book the assessment session[$185], click the link below:

Book an Integrative Spiritual Training Session Here

The Process and Disclaimer: To schedule an assessment session, please prepay for the assessment session and then contact During the assessment session, both of us will determine if Hridayam® method and my guidance are the right fit. If I find that a client is in need of medical treatment or psychotherapy, I will determine if the medical treatment or psychotherapy are compatible with Hridayam® counseling – it is different from person to person. I will customize the approach, or disadvise working with the Hridayam® Method and instead, seek other modes of spirituality or professional help. Hridayam® method practices have strong transformative effects, and the client assumes full responsibility for these effects. I retain the right to refuse the counseling if I see this work is not the right fit.

Some principles of my approach are described in the following publications

Louchakova-Schwartz, Olga.2012. Self in the Path(o)s of the New Enlightenment: Towards a New Clinical Theory. Agathos. An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 1 / 2012, 7-30.

Louchakova, Olga, and Lucas, Merlin. 2009. Self as the Clinical Category: Reflections on Culture, Gender, and Phenomenology. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 39(2), 111-136. (with M. Lucas)

_____.2009.The Enhancement of Visuospatial Processing Efficiency through Buddhist deity Meditation. Psychological Science, 20(5), 645-653.(with Kozhevnikov, M., Josipovic, Z., & Motes, M. A.).

_____.2019. Well-Being and Spirituality: Insights from World Wisdom Traditions. In S. Dhiman (ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Workspace Well-Being, 1-29 (Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland).

____.2013. Cognitive phenomenology in the study of Tibetan meditation: Phenomenological descriptions versus meditation styles. In S. Gordon (Ed.), Neurophenomenology: Its Applications to psychology (pp. 61-87). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

_____.2009. Fondements de la therapie transpersonnelle: Une approche phenomenologique feministe. Synodies, 81-87.

_____.2007. Prayer of the Heart, Ego-transcendence and adult development. Existential Analysis, 18(2), 261-287.

_____.2007. Spiritual Heart and direct knowing in the Prayer of the Heart. Existential Analysis, 18(1), 81-102

Louchakova, Olga, and Warner, Arielle S. Via Kundalini: Psychosomatic excursions in transpersonal psychology. The Humanistic Psychologist, Vol 31(2-3), Spr 2003, 115-158.